This one was definitely a surprise for me, but somehow I listened to a TON of Graff this year - because their mixtapes are bananas! 1/2 have of Graff is Mr. Latane Hughes - super agent at Windish, and to whom I loving refer to as Baby Angel .... or Delicious (depending on my mood). The past few years he and I have become good pals, working together on all sorts of events (his DJs - my venues), and one day while talking to him about SXSW he told me he would play my show, and to bill him as Graff. You could say we raged .... because we really raged! I had no idea Latane could drop such sweet sweet jams, and last weekend I finally met his better half Antone who is also a baby angel! You can believe they will be playing another one of my shows in 2015! These two are more than blond haired sparkly blue eyed babes - they released their first official remix this year and like I said - slayed in the mixtape department! Graff is set to release another remix soon, and more mixtapes to vibe with!! Latane has been so good to me, making my year one of the best ever! Thanks boo!