Dreamers Delight


PREMIERE, Original Mix, MusicAlli LindseyComment

I am credited with, give or take, 95 digital bylines in the discipline of music. Admittedly, I have glorified music that I don't particularly love. And rarely am I completely awe-struck by a track, especially in the world of electronic music. The artistic tendencies seem to be repetitive, and well, a bit grey. But when LA-based, Dreamers Delight and Austin-based Cloudchord come together...touching, technicolor notes and melodies rise from the ashes to remind me why electronic music is a legendary artistic locus in the entire timeline of art and music. Their co-written track, "Swirls" is a flighty one, warming your senses, dipping you in gold, and most importantly, evoking emotion. It's a live electronic gospel, with structured layers and meditative guitar riffs. Ironically (but probably intentionally), it sounds like the intangible sounds of "swirls-" it almost tickles when you listen. "Swirls" is a trip, and you peak with a sense of euphoria and come down satisfied, taught, and more aware. Dreamers Delight and Cloudchord have created something very special with "Swirls." Get your headphones, or your aux and start streaming today.