It's one hot weekend, and I have to say I am very happy to be sitting in my airconditioned studio with my dog rather than being at Coachella!! 102 degrees at Coachella yeaterday, and I think it is going to be hoter thank you! I am also very happy because last week Harber Blynn released their new album called Busy Hands - which is literally music to my ears!
You can download the record for free right now....RIGHT HERE
I was first introduced to this band through a friends friend....I needed a band in LA to play a show with only a few days notice, and was told that Harber Blynn were amazing live and I should book them. It was all true, they came, they played, and I was very impressed!! I even booked them for my SXSW showcase after that - that good kids!
This band appeals to my softer side of rock - think The Temper Trap, Travis, Snow Patrol....that relm!! Pete Harper and J. Blynn can fucking joke....and the band as a whole are amazing musicians and incredible guys who I am happy to now call my friends!
They don't all have to be electro rock bands from the UK for me to love!! ;-)