When I was introduced to this Detroit based band Jamaican Queens, I thought....what the fuck! This is brilliant!! It takes a certain kind of music lover to get into a band of this nature.... the most brilliant music lovers ever, I mean you have to be hella smart about music, and somewhat of a taste maker - because this is by far some of the coolest shit I have herd in a minute! Forget what you know, this is not structured dance pop that we so dearly love - this is trap pop! I mean.....do you even know what trap pop is?? This stretches the limits of ultimate coolness, so if you are not cool you most likely can not grasp the awesomeness of this band. Jamaican Queens are reserved for the ultra hip, and that's the way I like it! Without bands like this, all the top 40 hit makers would have nothing to inspire them!
Jamaican Queens have just dropped their debut full length record called Wormfood today - which you can stream above. Yes, it's really really fucking good!! You can pick up a copy of this brilliant record RIGHT HERE - do it.....because you are that cool! I totally did!! Also, these guys are going to be in Austin for SXSW and I totally know a party they are playing, but it's a secret so follow their TWITTER for details!