Music, Original MixErin MaherComment

Who else is feeling super lazy this Friday morning? I don't wanna do anything but get back into bed with my pup and try to squeeze in a few more hours of sleep. However, there is so much new music to talk about .... I'll have to find that extra sleep some other time. Our boys SWIMS are back with their second release of 2017 - and it's just a yummy as the first! AObeats + SAKIMA make up this duo, and together they are creating super sexy future feels tracks that are 100% swoon worthy. "1 Drink" takes a look at the age old problem of the use of alcohol as an escape, a crutch and even an anti-depressant, but SWIMS talks about it in the club surrounded by their millennial peers.  I am not a millennial, but my generation Y peeps dealt with the same issues, so on and so on. SWIMS is killing it, get into this one kids!  


Music, Original MixErin MaherComment

I got started early on this beautiful San Francisco Friday morning! The sun is shining and it's above 65 degrees before 10am - and if you know anything about SF weather and June gloom - you know this is rare! What a perfect vibe for this next SWIMS track "AM to DM" -- they are "embracing a warmer sound to accompany the changing of the seasons" and I'm feeling it! SWIMS is made up of two Moving Castle legends, AObeats and SAKIMA, and together they produce magical pop/R&B electronic songs with smooth melodies and exquisite vocals. Swooning!