

PREMIERE, Music, RemixErin MaherComment

It's Friday morning and I expect today to be another wild music release day!  I'm not super into this whole industry switch to releasing music on Friday - I like Tuesday release day, I'm used to it! But, with everything in life, things evolve and change so I better get over it .... or I'll be left behind! At least we can kick things of with an amazing premiere from Canadian artist Avenue - and it's something pretty special!  He's handed us a beautiful remix of "Still Afraid" by Tundran that is something slightly different from what we usually feature - which is why we love this so much! The first 1/2 is a gorgeous ballad with mesmerizing melodies - and then drops into a fantastic 80's synth pop indie dance track that's to die for!  It very much has that glam rock feel of David Bowie mixed with the synth style of Com Truise -- absolutely stunning!  I love everything about this ..... everything!