Judgement Days is upon us!!

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The first time I saw the Judgement Day billboards was on the way home from SXSW - in the middle of the night - in El Paso....and all I could really think is how southern religious people are delusional!! To my great suprise and delight, the Judgement Day campaign spread across the nation, and now many Los Angeles billboards are displaying the message...even in Spanish!! I am not one who buys into the religious rhetoric, but hell,  Judgement Day sounds like a perfect time to have a party.....and that's happening!


Hometown favorites Saint Motel are teaming up with Holy God and having the end of the world party - which I can't wait to join in the fun! They have invited their friends Vanaprasta and The Hundred Days to play, and this just might be my dream line-up for local bands at a smaller club!

May 21, 2011 @ The Roxy - Los Angeles: Get Tickets HERE

Butch - Saint Motel by beautifulbuzzz

Universe Disturbed - Vanaprasta by beautifulbuzzz

Disaster - The Hundred Days by beautifulbuzzz