In the months leading up to SXSW, I must have listened to 500 or more bands who submitted to play the Beautiful Buzzz showcase, it was quite overwhelming. However, my production assistant Christine and I did listen to every submission that came in, and selecting bands was a taunting and time consuming task, but I believe we chose the best of the best..... I mean did you see that AMAZING line-up?
Vinyl Thief reached out to me first, then another band from Nashville, TN who were already playing the Beautiful Buzzz showcase sent me a text about Vinyl Thief, then their manager hit me up and he works in a department at a record label where I used to work so we had that to bond over..... so I started to think that maybe this band is a gem, and I absolutely had to book them because their name is coming from every direction.... and I am so so so glad I did.
When Vinyl Thief arrived on the Thursday night, I was on like beer 10 which made things all the better. They stuffed their gear onto my little stage - they even got the keyboard stand that is shaped like a fucking upright piano on there - I don't even think you can call it a stand, but it's brilliant either way - and proceeded to slay that room to teeny tiny pieces. I mean they were murdering that room with their Cold War Kids / The Killers amazing dance rock sound! Know what I was doing during their set.... dancing my ass off on the side of the stage! From what I was told by the band and management , apparently that set was the best set they have ever played! It was perfect, they were on fire, the vibe in the room was on fire..... perfect! The set was full of energy and exploded off the stage - Vinyl Thief is a band you must see! Look, it also never hurts to have an adorable ginger front man.
This OurVinyl.TV Vinyl Thief session says it all! Expect many more great things from this band in the future, and I will be counting down the days till they come to the best coast!