PREMIERE, Music, Original MixErin MaherComment

We're kicking off another week stacked with new music after yesterday's Not My President's Day holiday, and I have a fire premiere for y'all! Los Angeles legend Ghastly handed us this huge new track "The Spiders Symphony" and it's delicious! Not sure if you guys have ever been to a Ghastly show, and if not you should because this kid slays! High intensity and big drops, you cant help but to loos all control of your body head banging and throwing trap arms ... it's a great experience! This new track reflects that vibe 100% - even sitting at my desk I wanna throw some trap arms while listening! Just your luck, there are a bunch of tour dates coming up - and yea .... quite a few are sold out but hey, there's always a way in if you put your mind to it! Listen and love!