Music, Original Mix, PREMIEREEricComment

Josh Moriarty who we at BB know well from his work with Miami Horror has launched into solo land with this first single "R.T.F.L." a sexy jam from a forthcoming 8 track album titled War Is Over. This tune has a lot to unfold with layers of group vocals filling in the backseat of a slow rolling musical Cadillac trudging forward into a hazy skyline of grooving percussion and somber pads. The beat really keeps things moving with pace as the Josh's vocal tone captures your interest. I love Josh's quote regarding the tune, "It is music to make you feel (at least for a moment) that you are not alone, to capture in aural form the ephemeral grace of existence. Yet, on the other hand the music is mere art for art’s sake, completely useless, beautiful for the sake only of beauty. A dichotomy of point and pointlessness. War Is Over is designed as a modern day opus of existential desire, longing, sensuality, and what it means to human." With the amount of feels packed into a short 3:57 I can assure you the point of this tune is simple desire.