

FEATURE, Get Buzzzed Artist Spotli, Music, SXSW 2016EricComment

It's almost here!!! Our Get Buzzzed Austin 2016 Showcase starts tomorrow!! Hurry up and get on that RSVP train. Do you want to skip the line?? You can also VIP RSVP details here

In anticipation for this epic event we want you to get to know a few of our fantastic artists. Without further ado we present another chapter of...


Q1. How old were you when you first started making music? When did it become serious?

I was 14 when i started making music and Luke was 14 also. I started off producing UK Grime and Dubstep and Luke started off with Hip Hop, which is why our sound evolved into what it is today. Things got serious around the time Ball So Hard dropped, which was in 2012. From there we realised that we really enjoyed producing together and took it further.

Q2. Whether it’s a remix or an original, what is the first step you take when writing a track?

I don't really have a process when it comes to music. I just let it flow and let my creativity and inspiration do its thing. I don't believe in forcing music because it becomes very calculated and formulaic and loses its fluidity/realness. That said, once i know what i want to make i tend to start off with percussion or drums, because i have the most fun with those elements. 

Q3. What is one of the best moments you've had so far in your career?

Touring with Keys N Krates this year was definitely a highlight of our career so far. We've been long time admirers of their music, their talent and the way they conduct themselves so when they asked us to support them on their Midnite Mass bus tour it was an instant yes. It was an amazing tour and we got to play to alot of markets that we haven't been able to go to yet, and generate alot of new supporters. The KnK guys looked after us very well and we became a family on and off the bus. 

Q4. What is another BUZZZworthy artist that inspires you and why?

I'd have to say Mura Masa. I've been talking to Mura now for a while and watched his progression to become one of the most forward thinking and unique artists there is right now, and we have nothing but respect for him. One of my personal favs of his is Lotus Eater. Such an amazing track, check him out

Q5. Of all of your releases, which one is your favorite and why?

I am in love with one of our new tracks from our upcoming EP, but i'll remain tight lipped on that one for now ;) Uppers with Mr.Carmack would have to be our favourite release so far that is out at the moment. The reason i chose Uppers is because it hits so hard, and it goes off anywhere its played. Its really exciting and is a real 'screwface' track. Check it out


Get Buzzzed Artist Spotli, Event, Live Concert, Live Set, Music, Original MixErin MaherComment

Coming at ya! We're now only 5 days away from our Get Buzzzed Austin 2016 Showcase!! If you haven't RSVP'd yet what are you waiting for??

In anticipation for this epic event we want you to get to know a few of our fantastic artists. Without further ado we present another chapter of...


Q1. How old were you when you first started making music? When did it become serious?

I didn't start taking music seriously till I was 18 when I started working with Chase. - Paige

I was very young. Our grandfather is a jazz drummer and studio percussionist, he had me on his lap at the drum set since the day I could hold sticks. He gave me one of his drums kits when I was about 9. I remember playing to CDs like Rage Against the Machine, Weezer, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Green Day, Jackson 5, Earth Wind and Fire, Toto, Led Zeppelin.. I had played my first show at 10 and had my first recording session experience at 11 at Capitol Records. At this point I was hooked. I was strictly a drummer until my early 20’s when I got my first laptop and protools. This opened my world up to the possibilities of making music on my own. I eventually got into co-writing songs with artists and making a living getting my songs licensed in commercials and tv shows as well as composing music for adverts and major brands campaigns. This is what lead to Paige and I working together and creating XYLØ. I had asked her to work on a project with me for a brand and our chemistry excited me. Things just seemed to click. Things moved really fast and I ended up dedicated all of my time just to XYLØ. - Chase

Q2. Whether it’s a remix or an original, what is the first step you take when writing a track?

Sometimes it can be different, but usually I start out with chords on the piano and a rough beat. Then melodies ideas. And some ear candy stuff for vibe. Once this is down I feel like this helps with what the lyrics are going to say. The music almost speaks first and tells you what needs to be said and what the songs going to be about. - Chase

Q3. What is one of the best moments you've had so far in your career?

Hearing Zane Lowe premier our song Afterlife was a unforgettable moment. Besides that I think XYLØ in general to me has been the highlight of my musical struggle and journey. This is my baby and it's incredible to see the response we've got so far. I think it's amazing that I get to share this together with my little sister. - Chase

Playing my first live show ever which was with XYLØ about 6 months ago.- Paige  

Q4. What is another BUZZZworthy artist that inspires you and why?

Chaos Chaos ‘Do you Feel it’. I really like the sounds and the production. Nice voices. - Chase

Q5. Of all of your releases, which one is your favorite and why?

America just because it was the first song we released a year ago and it's what started it all basically for us. Not knowing what to expect and then hearing it on the radio and #1 on Hype Machine was really exciting. - Chase 

L.A Love Song is probably my favorite because I love singing that song live. We were suppose to release a different song originally and then last minute we wrote this one and we were like “ we need to put this out asap” - Paige


Music, FEATURE, Original MixErin MaherComment


I'm all about vibes. Throughout my life, I've always felt deeply connected with music: my first memories are listening to old funk and soul vinyl; I started going to live grunge rock shows on Capitol Hill from the age of seven on, and finally picked up the drums and started playing my own music when I was twelve. Music is universal: we've all experienced space and emotion change through the literal vibrations that music makes. 

As The Flavr Blue, we tend to write from our life at the moment, off the cuff. This song came about when we were in Los Angeles, both Parker and I taking a breather from and some perspective on what was happening with us personally at the time. Our friend Sebino, who is a senior engineer at the legendary Paramount Studios on Santa Monica Blvd in Hollywood, called us after a session and welcomed us to slide through late night. Walking into Paramount is like living history: countless platinum plaques on the walls, knowing that top tier artists are working in various rooms on any given night. Every song is a vibe, and this time the vibe was right. Two hours later, "New Kind of Vibe" was born with Sebino on co-production. 

So often we forget to consciously let go of the past, appreciate the current moment, and make space for what's to come. That's what "New Kind of Vibe" is all about. Hope you enjoy.

-- Lace 


FEATURE, Music, Original MixErin MaherComment


Human beings are survivalists. I think almost every action we take ties itself back to one of these basic functions of your desire to live and experience happiness in its many forms. A good love approaches you quickly and leaves a strong mark on your life long after it's "gone" or in my experience subsided to a manageable emotional level, a strong chapter of a book you once wrote. I think at the heart of things we're talking about connecting with another person and realizing you genuinely care about their wellbeing and happiness, and want to see them winning beside you. You start seeing double, asking for plus ones for the shows you go to, picking up your other half from work, actually using both sides of your bed (I like to be in the center of the room and not in the corner).

To quote one of my favorite Kanye West songs: "Bittersweet, you know you gon' be the death of me." At some point things might no longer make sense for both of you, and large changes happen really slowly in a deep relationship. You have days where you think you've found a lot of clarity, but you know in a few hours you will slip back into your "feels" and not be able to figure out how you arrived at that moment. This to me is the "Bittersweet" part of love. This song is the conversation you have with a lover once you've put all the cards on the table and they don't add up. Once you've realized you are repeating yourself and trying to repair a relationship that is no longer serving everyone equally, and you've managed to step out of your own survival instincts for long enough to see that. To endure your strongest pains, you must understand them. My mother always says, "Don't fight it, it just wants to be acknowledged. Let it have its moment, and then it will leave you be."

Please enjoy, "Bittersweet."

- Parker


FEATURE, Music, Original MixErin Maher1 Comment


It can be tempting to be elusive as a singer and songwriter, channeling mystery, in hopes of captivating the intrigue of your listener. A step beyond, a degree removed, just out of reach. But as the saying goes, the best writing comes from when you “write what you know.” For the last five years, I've had a love in my life that has believed in me, grounded me, made me laugh, made me think, made me dance, and has proven himself in moments of crisis and action. He was present for the birth of The Flavr Blue, and his support of each of us in the band has been indispensable through our journey. And so, even though it made me blush all the way through writing it, "No Other Lover" is an unabashed ode to my boyfriend (and TFB's BFF) Jeff. The veil is lifted. The real me is revealed. All of the quirks in my voice, my earnest love note to bae. I'll admit, it still makes me blush sometimes.

I love this song beyond its truth in my life because it spotlights our band’s collective love of classic R&B and soul; it hums with vinyl textures with a clean finish, like a whisky served neat. We had Elan Wright and Brian Chinn bless the track with a guitar and bass performance that made the song sparkle, and performing this live with Parker on guitar and Lace on bass now is truly a delight.

Love Notes is all about the love and this song is the realest for me. And, we managed to sneak a Seahawks shout-out in there... ;) 

Hope you enjoy "No Other Lover." 

<3 Hollis